Young Warlock Page 10
It was morning by the lagoon. Soft mists coiled around rotting stumps, consuming them in their vaporous breath. Reeds swayed aside allowing unseen creatures to plunge their scaly bodies back into the water after a night of hunting. The soft splashing of fish played lazily on the chilly, damp air which was infused with the acrid smell of decay. The nocturnal watch chirped and whistled as it slipped, slithered and crawled under cover from the pending dawn.
Dekor sat on the edge of the veranda dangling his feet over the calm waters. The sounds of the morning began to fill the air with distant calling and cawing. Dark shapes swooped out of the mist-bound skies down to the waters below, where they skimmed across the surface, cutting a shallow wake as they drank before wheeling back beyond the hidden dangers of the mists. Dekor watched the ethereal world awakening about him, fascinated by the seemingly endless flight of the large black birds.
"Where are they coming from?"
"They are carrion eaters." Icthus pointed to the sky above them where a dozen or more of the black birds could be seen through the fading haze, circling overhead. "Nest on the cliffs. They spend most of their days scouring Gamran Thorn for dead animals. Plenty of food for them there. The trolls,” he added with a sullen sigh, “terribly wasteful. The birds are very tasty. Their eggs make good breakfast."
Icthus shuffled toward the edge of the veranda and reached up toward the birds as though he were willing them to come to him. Dekor shifted aside to avoid being drooled on as Icthus smacked his lips repeatedly while dancing his happy jig. The reptile's slender tongue flashed to and fro across his thick purple lips.
"You like your food, don't you?" Dekor laughed. "A creature of simple pleasures."
Icthus chirped, “Indeed I am."
Jumping into the lagoon he swam out to where the birds were swooping down to the water. Dekor watched in silence, waiting. There was a sudden frantic splashing followed by a brief squawk. A short while later Icthus emerged from the water towing one of birds behind him. Dragging it onto the shore, Icthus snapped off one of its quills. He examined it closely, extending a claw of his webbed hand and picking away some of the loose flakes from where the quill had splintered, fashioning it into a crude knife. Happy with his newly-crafted tool, Icthus immediately set about disemboweling the bird. Excitedly pulling a dripping sack of flesh from the cavity in the bird's chest, he cried, "They are breeding."
“How did you ever catch that? It's huge, you could have been killed!”
Icthus looked up at Dekor from where he was standing in the middle of the gutted carcass. With a broad grin on his face, Icthus plopped the dripping egg sac into his hands. "You cook. You have fire."
Icthus returned to the dead bird, tearing out the breast meat.
"Pots are here," Icthus chattered as he dropped the meat on the ground at Dekor's feet and went rummaging under the veranda, eventually returning with a large pot. He tossed the breast meat into it and started to drag it over to the lagoon to get some water.
"Wait!" Dekor called out, "I'll provide the water." Almost snatching the pot from Icthus he placed one hand inside. Shaping it like a claw, he blasted ice crystals into the pot then hung it over a heap of sticks.
Icthus, looking expectantly at Dekor, reminded him, "You have the fire."
Dekor duly obliged, igniting the prepared pile of sticks with a flash of yellow flame. Icthus rubbed his hands together vigorously, smacking his lips. Dekor again placed his hand into the pot and this time he released a jet of flame to melting the ice. Icthus hopped excitedly around the steaming pot busily gathering various grasses, leaves, and roots, and throwing them all into the pot. An aroma of sage and thyme rose from the steaming pot arousing a deep rumble from Icthus' belly.
Dekor broke the eggs into a shallow pan. Holding it in one hand he formed his other into a claw and focused his flame on its base. He soon had the eggs sizzling. In no time the two of them were happily feasting on a breakfast of eggs and breast meat, until the two of them were both satiated. They sat chatting, idly watching the sun climb ever higher in the morning sky and driving the haze back into the cold damp earth leaving a perfect mirror-like lagoon.
"I cannot stay here, friend, you know that." Dekor looked straight at Icthus. "I have my journey to complete."
"So why do we wait?" Icthus rushed inside the hut and returned with a full quiver of arrows on his back and a crude bow in his hand.
"You hunt?"
"Good hunter. All tattlejacks are good hunters. Too small for fighters. So we get skilled with bows." He smiled up at Dekor. "Those that hunt you will find you here this day. Your magic will shine like a lantern in this place. Not much magic here." Icthus sniffed at the air. "Come quickly. Eat this and swim after me." He handed a filthy root to Dekor who dutifully did as he was instructed.
"Someone is coming," Icthus tasted the air with his tongue, “hunters. We must go while there is still time.” He slipped into the water, barely stirring its surface.
Dekor chewed hard on the root, its bitter taste causing his throat to tighten. He wanted to cough up the stiff fibers as they scraped their way down to his stomach where they fizzed and gurgled. As soon as he was sure they were going to remain down, he too slipped beneath the surface and swam after Icthus. Now Icthus was in his natural environment; he could move with impressive speed and agility. Whatever the root was it was potent. Dekor could feel heat in his bones and a fire in his lungs. He was breathing water as naturally as the curious fish darting around him. Reaching out with his mind he sought out the life around them; he did not want another nasty surprise.